Monday, September 1, 2008

Keeps slippin... slippin

No, I'm not working today either, but that doesn't mean I didn't work.

Set up network printing at the club, and had a peek at the Camry's rear strut that's vexing me so. Seems it is broke afterall. I'm not real happy about that - its always something with cars. I swear (often and with vigor) that I would ride a bike to and fro, if by the time I got to fro I didn't resemble a rat drowned in its own sweat.

The reality is even worse than the mental image you are now stuck with.

So, what else?
* My parents arrived last Thursday, for a weeks RnR in the wilds of Saline.
* The store shapes up nicely. We've bought a lot of stock, and can now conduct commerce.
* We've got several new business customers, and there's more iceberg where that came from. And we're going to need every last one of them to make this work.
* I've got a few HTTP appointments this week
* The HBA has a meeting Wednesday featuring Chili and Beer (bless their little heads)
* Thursday, I have an evening meeting (ok, its at a bar, and the other attendees are former coworkers, but its sort of a meeting)
* I'll end the week taking a couple hours at the Saline CC booth at the community fair Friday.

Busy, busy. Ain't it grand?

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