Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And So We Continue

Our merry narrative.

Did I mention that the Italian place right smack-dab next to the Little Shop of Inky Horrors is downright righteous? I'm not even getting free food to day so. Bella Italia - get over there and get... oh, pretty much anything on the menu. Try the eggplant parm. Yeah, that will do nicely.

SO we're getting more business customers every day. Things are picking up at a reasonably sustainable clip. Built slowly, we can keep the momentum going.

Went to the Home Builder's Assn Chili cook-off. Oh, my, but there were some fine colon-singers in attendance. A fine cap to the day, especially since the HBA always has beer, bless their little heads.

Slow on the HTTP front. Thats OK, I'm keeping pretty busy with CWAA, and the computer work tends to ebb and flow anyway.

To answer a question that cropped up the other day: Yes, When I blog of it, it is the LAW.

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