Monday, September 15, 2008

Coolest Monday Ever

Ok, not really. But it wasn't bad. It could be a lot worse - we lost power Sunday for only about 3 hours. At least I'm not in Houston. How many millions without power? And so far no discussion of blame, no looting, no atrocities.

Hmmm, interesting.

Saturday, we visited friends in Manchester. People who know what I'm talking about will know who we visited. It was an ATF party (alcohol, tobacco, and firearms). Good times, and we got home horribly late.

So the new week: a little HTTP action, a whole lot of ink, the occasional networking event. More of the same, basically, but it sure beats the alternative.

I've found that the HTTP jobs have been skewing more towards residential work, and to hardware (new PCs, new components, network issues). We'll see if that becomes trend.

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