Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wrapping Up

I like Sundays, but they go too fast.

Updates on the dangling issues:
* The custom machine finds a PS/2 keyboard, and will find USB devices, but doesn't find the USB keyboard on boot. I think it needs drivers.
* The machine that runs fine for me, but not for the client, was hanging on his USB hub. He had connected the desktop, a laptop, and a laser printer into a USB hub, so the two PCs could share the printer. Um, fail. That's not how to share a printer.
* The laptop that had the wireless issue was more of a pilot error issue.

Now I have an additional laptop to upgrade, and the threat from some folks to drop off their PCs to me during the week. Could be as many as four. This week will be rather busy anyway, with several networking events on tap.

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