Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Like the cool kids do

So, ya know, I'm like, hanging, over at Panera, drinking a smoothie, and posting to my blog.

Spent the morning at Morning Edition, hosted at Weber's by the Ann Arbor Chamber. A fine time again. Then off to visit customers in the Jackson Road/Scio area, and try to drum up some cartridge business. C'mon people - get with the program.

This midday is the HBA's associates meeting, during which I will try to get business owners to notice that I'm trying to save them some money here. Lastly, I need to pick up a laptop (another victim of Antivirus2008) and get that on the road to recovery.

Thursday is a mess - I'm out of pocket all day: Washtenaw referral network, Saline Leadership, a Saline Chamber after-hours at Flatout Bread, then a membership meeting at Tri County. Swamped, I tell you.

But at least now, right this minute, I have a moment of relative quiet and a smoothie. Mmm, good smoothie...

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