Sunday, October 19, 2008

How Many is Enough?

I've got accounts on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Plaxo. How many is too many?

Further, what are the relative strength/weakness of each? LinkedIn is better for business, Facebook is more social, and Plaxo is, well, I'm not sure. I'm seeing the twitters on Plaxo, so I think its more social. That begs a question: Can I link (RSS, or whatever) this blog to Plaxo? Or any other platform?

I mentioned that LinkedIn is more business-oriented, and I think it is. You keep occupational data on it, and make connections to others in your field or company, but what then? I haven't found anyone yet who can answer that, and I've asked a few. I'm linked, in one way or another, to over two million people. What do I do with them? Would they send me a quarter each?

It takes a lot of time to keep it all up to date, and I'm not sure they offer sufficient return to keep investing. It would be nice to know what others think.... since no one comments here (besides Keith) I suppose I'll have to ask on another channel. Maybe I need a MySpace page....

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