Monday, August 18, 2008

First, A Monday

Busy, busy.

First full day at CW, and it was busy. I called a few people to inquire about their toner needs, we sold a fair amount of product (well, fair for it being the first day), and I went on a few calls.

I helped a nice older lady get back on line - her second phone line was very noisy and dropped the dial-up connection frequently. I suggested DSL after solving the problem. I also had occasion to speak to one of EarthLink's customer disservice people in Indiana (give or take a few letters). She was absolutely no help at all - all I wanted to do was verify that the old dear's account was still valid, and this bint treated me like I might not be right in the head and needed a good hand-holding.

Then, I went to a company for whom I take overflow. And did they have overflow. Two machines, the first of which has the dreaded XPAntiVirus2008 rogue program. Take Note: Nothing called Windows Anti Virus or XP Anti Virus is valid.

So, with that demon in there, all the rest of hell had taken up residence.

Tomorrow, I will finish up the exorcism, and attend to the second PC. This one suffers in that it doesn't boot up since having XP SP3 installed. Apparently, that happened a few times to people with AMD processors. The fix was said to be to boot into safe mode, and selectively disable drivers until the PC booted. I'll also check the system logs and for minidumps. If all else fails, I'll try to do a restorative install, and then to remove SP3.

Then its back to the store. Still a bit surrealistic, to have my own storefront...

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