Saturday, June 13, 2009

Additional Details

We've been named Member of the Month by the Milan Chamber of Commerce .

I'm helping with a seminar on Social Networking for Business on Tuesday, June 16, at the historic Union School building. I'd direct interested parties to the FaceBook event page, but the chamber didn't make one. Hopefully, we can convince them to use these technologies to publicize events in the future.

We were at the Ann Arbor Mayor's Green Fair yesterday, June 12. It was really crowded and a great evening. A lot of people stopped to talk to us, and we had a really positive reaction from the attendees. I think we'll see a few new customers from it.

Also, we have a new tweet: follow @Dr_Inky_Green for printer and cartridge tips and info. I'm using Tweetdeck to keep that account straight; recommended.

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