Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I'm a winner!

Its like this guy isn't even trying.

Dear Friend,
My name is Frank Moss. I am an American citizen, base in London, I have been in money management field since 21 years , here in United Kingdom.

Just long enough to forget grammar, I see.

I have a client who wants to invest the sum of US$15,000,000.00 (Fifteen Million) United States dollars. He's a top politician in Iraq and never want his name to be mentioned.

Um, yes, thats possible. Except he would have been a Baathist, so probably fled to Syria.

Can you handle a huge sum of investment and help us to move this money to your country through U.N diplomatic courier service channel?

All you financial advisors out there, Can You handle a huge sum of investment? I bet you consider Huge > 15M.

If you can handle such huge sum of investment and interested to be my partner to invest in your country, kindly respond with: 1. Your full names, 2. Home or Office address, 3. Direct contact telephone numbers, 4. Age and occupation.

It sounds like Yoda is involved in the old Nigerian scam. I'm half tempted to respond and list my occupation as FBI Investigator. And I like how he refers to the US as 'your country'; thought you were a Yank too, old boy?

For further details, urgently contact me via this e-mail address:

Frank Moss.

Its like they're not event trying to be believable. Just throwing anything at all out there and hoping it sticks somewhere. Anyone who falls for this kind of diaphanous deception should be deported.

I am so tempted to buy a disposable Wal-Mart cell phone and just screw with the guy...

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